The hoteliga API


Invoice resource provides information about issued invoices.

Resource Description
POST /v1/Invoice/Preview Get a preview of a final invoice for a reservation
POST /v1/Invoices/Filter Search for invoices by issue date
Object properties
Name Type Description
id int Unique identifier of invoice
issueDate date (yyyy-MM-dd) The date when invoice was issued
createDate date (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz) Actual date that invoice was created
Type int Integer type value of invoice
Number string (30) The unique number of invoice.
Counter object Contains information about counter: unique identifier - id (int) and title (string(50))
Customer object Contains information about customer: id (int) - the unique number of customer, FirstName (string (50)) - customer's first name, LastName (string (50)) - customer's last name, TaxId (string(50)) - customer's unique tax number. TaxIdAdditional (string(50)) - customer's additional tax number City (string(50)) - customer's city ZipCode (string(20)) - customer's zipcode Address1 (string(255)) - customer's address Address2 (string(255)) - additional customer's address Country (string(50)) - customer's country Occupation (string(50)) - customer's occupation
Payments object Contains information about payment: id (int) - the unique number of payment, date(yyyy-mm-dd) - date of payment, paymentmethodId - the unique number of payment method (more information about payment method), currencycode (string) - currency of payments, reservatioId - the unique number of reservation
extraTaxesByPercentage array
taxesByPercentage array Information about included taxes
totalNetValue decimal (##.##) ...
totalExtraTaxes decimal (##.##) ...
totalTaxes decimal (##.##) ...
totalGrossValue decimal (##.##) ...
invoiceLines array Array of invoiceLine
TaxesByPercentage fields
Name Type Description
amount decimal (##.##) Amount of tax
isIncluded int 0 - not included, 1 - included
percentage decimal (##.##) Percentage amount of tax
title string (50) Title of tax
breakdown object title(string) - can be (accommodationpercent, netsubtotal, boardpercent)
amount (decimal)
Invoice types
Value Description
1 Invoice
2 Receipt
3 Payment receipt
4 Credit invoice
5 Tax receipt
Invoice line types
Value Description
1 Accommondation
2 Board/Food
3 Discounts
4 Taxes
5 Cancellation fees
6 Payment
7 Extra charges
8 Negative values existing invoices

POST /v1/Invoice/Preview

Get a preview of a final invoice for a reservation.

Request parameters

Name Value
reservationId Reservation Id


The invoice preview for supplied reservation.

Example Request

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Example Response

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Invoice id="0">
    <InvoiceLines id="-1">
            <TaxesByPercentage dateFrom="2017-12-31" dateTo="2050-12-30">
            <TaxesByPercentage dateFrom="2017-12-31" dateTo="2050-12-30">
            <TaxesByPercentage dateFrom="2017-12-31" dateTo="2050-12-30">
        <BookingAgencyReferenceCode />
        <Description>Overnight (Room 07)</Description>
    <InvoiceLines id="-1">
            <TaxesByPercentage dateFrom="2017-12-31" dateTo="2050-12-30">
            <TaxesByPercentage dateFrom="2017-12-31" dateTo="2050-12-30">
            <TaxesByPercentage dateFrom="2017-12-31" dateTo="2050-12-30">
        <BookingAgencyReferenceCode />
        <Description>Extra beds (Room 07)</Description>
    <InvoiceLines id="-1">
            <TaxesByPercentage dateFrom="2017-12-31" dateTo="2050-12-30">
            <TaxesByPercentage dateFrom="2017-12-31" dateTo="2050-12-30">
        <Description>Car parking</Description>
    <InvoiceLines id="-1">
            <TaxesByPercentage dateFrom="2017-12-31" dateTo="2050-12-30">
        <Description>Daily pastry + coffee</Description>
    <Customer id="6">
        <TaxId />
        <Categories />
    "id": 0,
    "type": 1,
    "number": null,
    "invoiceLines": [
            "id": -1,
            "itemType": 1,
            "quantity": 3,
            "netUnitPrice": 100,
            "grossUnitPrice": 115,
            "grossSubtotal": 345,
            "netSubtotal": 300,
            "taxesByPercentage": [
                    "percentage": 2,
                    "amount": 6,
                    "title": "MRDT",
                    "taxType": "CanadianMRDTTax",
                    "isIncluded": 0,
                    "dateFrom": "2017-12-31",
                    "dateTo": "2050-12-30"
                    "percentage": 8,
                    "amount": 24,
                    "title": "PST",
                    "taxType": "CanadianProvincialSalesTax",
                    "isIncluded": 0,
                    "dateFrom": "2017-12-31",
                    "dateTo": "2050-12-30"
                    "percentage": 5,
                    "amount": 15,
                    "title": "GST",
                    "taxType": "CanadianGeneralSalesTax",
                    "isIncluded": 0,
                    "dateFrom": "2017-12-31",
                    "dateTo": "2050-12-30"
            "bookingAgencyReferenceCode": "",
            "numAdults": 2,
            "numChildren": 0,
            "description": "Overnight (Room 07)",
            "reservationId": 54
            "id": -1,
            "itemType": 6,
            "quantity": 3,
            "netUnitPrice": 75,
            "grossUnitPrice": 86.25,
            "grossSubtotal": 258.75,
            "netSubtotal": 225,
            "taxesByPercentage": [
                    "percentage": 2,
                    "amount": 4.5,
                    "title": "MRDT",
                    "taxType": "CanadianMRDTTax",
                    "isIncluded": 0,
                    "dateFrom": "2017-12-31",
                    "dateTo": "2050-12-30"
                    "percentage": 8,
                    "amount": 18,
                    "title": "PST",
                    "taxType": "CanadianProvincialSalesTax",
                    "isIncluded": 0,
                    "dateFrom": "2017-12-31",
                    "dateTo": "2050-12-30"
                    "percentage": 5,
                    "amount": 11.25,
                    "title": "GST",
                    "taxType": "CanadianGeneralSalesTax",
                    "isIncluded": 0,
                    "dateFrom": "2017-12-31",
                    "dateTo": "2050-12-30"
            "bookingAgencyReferenceCode": "",
            "numAdults": 0,
            "numChildren": 0,
            "description": "Extra beds (Room 07)",
            "reservationId": 54
            "id": -1,
            "itemType": 7,
            "quantity": 3,
            "netUnitPrice": 4,
            "grossUnitPrice": 4.48,
            "grossSubtotal": 13.44,
            "netSubtotal": 12,
            "taxesByPercentage": [
                    "percentage": 7,
                    "amount": 0.84,
                    "title": "PST",
                    "taxType": "CanadianProvincialSalesTax",
                    "isIncluded": 0,
                    "dateFrom": "2017-12-31",
                    "dateTo": "2050-12-30"
                    "percentage": 5,
                    "amount": 0.6,
                    "title": "GST",
                    "taxType": "CanadianGeneralSalesTax",
                    "isIncluded": 0,
                    "dateFrom": "2017-12-31",
                    "dateTo": "2050-12-30"
            "bookingAgencyReferenceCode": "5",
            "numAdults": 0,
            "numChildren": 0,
            "description": "Car parking",
            "reservationId": 54
            "id": -1,
            "number": "H17/2562",
            "itemType": 7,
            "quantity": 6,
            "netUnitPrice": 6,
            "grossUnitPrice": 6.3,
            "grossSubtotal": 37.8,
            "netSubtotal": 36,
            "taxesByPercentage": [
                    "percentage": 5,
                    "amount": 1.8,
                    "title": "GST",
                    "taxType": "CanadianGeneralSalesTax",
                    "isIncluded": 0,
                    "dateFrom": "2017-12-31",
                    "dateTo": "2050-12-30"
            "bookingAgencyReferenceCode": "34",
            "numAdults": 0,
            "numChildren": 0,
            "description": "Daily pastry + coffee",
            "reservationId": 54
    "issueDate": "0001-01-01",
    "currencyCode": "CAD",
    "customer": {
        "id": 6,
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "firstName": "John",
        "taxId": "",
        "Address1": "Inglaterra 30",
        "Address2": "C/ Henan Cortes 63",
        "Country": "Spain",
        "Occupation": "Sales Manager"
        "categories": []
    "extraTaxBreakdown": null,
    "taxBreakdown": null,
    "totalNetValue": 573,
    "totalExtraTaxes": 0,
    "totalTaxes": 81.99,
    "totalGrossValue": 654.99,
    "totalGrossValueBeforeExtraTaxes": 654.99,
    "languageCode": "en",
    "notes": null

POST /v1/Invoices/Filter

Search for invoices by issue date.

Request parameters

Name Value
dateFrom Starting date
dateTo Ending date


The invoices that fill all of the criteria/filters.

Example Request

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Example Response

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <Invoice id="1361">
    <Counter id="1">Contador Botanico</Counter>
    <Customer id="3669">
      <Categories />
      <Payment id="1548">
      <Payment id="1681">
      <InvoiceLine id="2391">
        <Description>Overnight+Included board HB (Room 219)</Description>
  <Invoice id="1362">
    <Counter id="1">Contador Botanico</Counter>
    <Customer id="4173">
      <TaxId />
      <Categories />
      <InvoiceLine id="2228">
        <Description>Noche (Habitación 101 Delux)</Description>
      "number": "H17/2562",
         "title":"Contador Botanico"
         "Address1": "Inglaterra 30",
         "Address2": "C/ Henan Cortes 63",
         "Country": "Spain",
         "Occupation": "Sales Manager"
            "description":"Transfer Hotel-Aeropuerto"
      "number": "H17/2563",
         "title":"Contador Botanico"
         "Address1": "Inglaterra 30",
         "Address2": "C/ Henan Cortes 63",
         "Country": "Spain",
         "Occupation": "Sales Manager"
            "description":"Noche (Habitación 101 Delux)"