The hoteliga API


Country and province are objects that represents data for .

Resource Description
GET /v1/Reference/Countries/{languageCode} Returns data about all countries in the system
GET /v1/Reference/Provinces/{countryCode} Returns data about all provinces in the system by country code
Object properties
Name Type Description
countryCode string(2) Country code accordind to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
name string (100) Country's name

GET /v1/Reference/Countries/{languageCode}

Returns data about all countries in the system

Request parameters

Name Value
languageCode Language codes allowed: "ar", "de", "el", "en", "es", "fr", "id", "it", "pt", "tr"


The result is a country object with the country code and name.

* If the input lanuage code is wrong or does not exist in our system, error 1006 is thrown with appropriate message.

Example Response

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

GET /v1/Reference/Provinces/{countryCode}

Returns data about all provinces in the system by provided countryCode

Request parameters

Name Value
languageCode Language code(en, el, es)


The result is a country object with the country code and name.

* If the country code is wrong or does not exist in our system, error 1006 is thrown with appropriate message.

Response parameters

Name Value
id Unique identifier of provice used in making reservations
code Specific province code, that it can contains letters or numbers depending of the country

Example Response

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
        "Id": 45